Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fun and Unique Park

 Esther told me about a discovery park that we've never been to - so we had to go and check it out with her.

It's not like any park we have been to. It's a whole bunch of interconnected wooden structures with science experiments and lesson interwoven throughout. We really enjoyed it there.

All the cuties hangin' out!

Esther had to try out the bouncy swingy thingy too!

Checking out the teepee.

 Cute little worker bees!

The queen bee on her throne!

A new queen bee has taken over the hive!

Sittin' pretty!

 Just hangin'

Such a fun and different park - we have to go again sometime!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool I think Dane and Karen have a park kind of like that in Alabama.
