Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Leaves

 A couple of Monday's ago we took our yearly trip into the canyon to see the Fall leaves. The girls remembered last years trip and were excited to go again. And Aubrey happened to talk about fall leaves and the canyon at school that day and was excited to see it for herself!

 Daddy Daughter twins!

My favorite people!

 Throwing rocks in water is just too much fun!

The beautiful scenery! I wasn't feeling well and so didn't have Jeff stop to get pics of the really brilliant colors. But there was this really pretty spot at the park we stopped at.
 I love how you can see the colors reflected in the water as well!

My cute silly monkeys! You can see how red the trees are in the back. Some spots were so bright it looked like the mountain was on fire.

Then we played at the park for a bit. Aubrey finally braved the monkey bars. Maybe next time she'll move to the next bar ;)!

Fun times. With me being such a Summertime girl, I'm glad there are a few things I look forward to in the changing of the seasons!

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