Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween Accessorizing

Although the girls Halloween Costumes have been completed a while ago, we've been slowly working on accessories this last month. (I finished my last accessory last night, Pinkalicious wings, so now we are ready for the Halloween festivities to begin!)

Aubrey wanted to be the Mermaid Merlia from Barbie in a Mermaids Tale. If you've seen the movie you know that Merlia wears a shell necklace that she can press to change her from a human to a mermaid and then back again. Of course Aubrey wanted the necklace for her costume, and it had to look just like it. 

Every time we were at a craft store we looked for a shell bead shaped just right that was either pink or could be painted pink. We had no luck. I finally decided to make my own out of some left over sculpy clay I had. I hoped to be able to find a mold in just the right shape. We were walking past the candy molds one day and their was the exact shell mold we needed!

After I sculpted and cooked the shell bead, Aubrey insisted on doing the rest of her necklace herself!

Here she is painting it pink.

After several coats of paint and several coats of acrylic spray, the necklace was ready to be made!

Aubrey meticulously strung every one of those tiny white beads! I love that girls attention span!

I had marked off with a sharpie wear to string the green and shell beads.

Here's her completed magical Merlia necklace!

Aubrey was so excited when it was done and exclaimed, "It looks exactly like Merlia's!" I love a satisfied kid!

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