Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Soccer Comes to an End

 The soccer season ended last week - so I thought I'd post a few more pics!

Sometimes hangin' on the sidelines is just as fun as the game!

The "good game" fives at the end of the game bring back lots of sports memories for me!

Run Aubrey Run!

Running with flair!

Getting in there with the ball.

Throwing the ball in.

Being adorable on the field!

Here's the cute team at the end of their last game.

Aubrey getting her medal and certificate.

All the cuties with their awards.
It was a very nice soccer season. The weather was pretty heavenly for most of it. Aubrey had a ball and asked if she could play again next year. And Brooke is looking forward to getting to play next year. I guess we are a soccer family!

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