Monday, November 12, 2012

Murder Mystery Beauty Pageant Party

For my birthday last month, my awesome friend, Rachel, asked if she could throw me a Murder Mystery Party. She picked the Beauty Pageant theme. What a perfect way to spend a ladies night then all of us dressed as beauty queens!!

  Esther and I trying out curl formers to have fancy hair. Don't we look awesome?! Brooke was afraid to come near me when she saw me in these things!

Everyone looked awesome and had fun playing their parts. I was Miss. Wisconsin who has an obsession with fairness and playing by the rules. (Rachel knows me well!!)


My friend Shandrea, who I have been friends with since Jr. High, was even able to attend. So fun!

Rachel decorated all pretty in pink and silver - with tiara's all over the place.

She even made me a birthday cake. So sweet.

The most suspected contestant, ended up being the murder victim.

 It's discovered that Esther's character is only 16 - what a scandal!

Miss Arizona, aka Rachel, was found out as the murderer. Look at that guilty face.

Allison won for the best acting.

Julie won for making the most money.

 I won for the best dressed. (Thanks to Rachel's floor length tutu!)

Myself and Heather H. were the only ones who guessed who did it.

 Since I won 2 awards and it was my birthday party they crowned me the winner.

My big old pageanty smile for winning!

I had to take my walk and do my pageant wave.

All of the beauty Beauty Queens.

Don't let their pretty faces full you - they all have a dark side!!
It was such a fun party! Thanks so much Rachel for throwing it for me. You're the best. And thanks for all the fun women in my life who attended and made it an unforgettable night!


  1. Super adorable Murder Mystery Beauty Pageant Party. The photos are so beautiful and are clearing depicting all the fun that you had. My sister is getting married and I too would be hosting a fun bridal bash for her at the local LA venues.
