Monday, February 25, 2013

That Aubrey

One night Aubrey was feeling afraid after we put her to bed. We told her to say a prayer. Later we found her with her picture scriptures laying across her chest. I love that she knew where to go, to receive some comfort from her fears!
Aubrey got a hold of my old camera one day and had lots of fun with it. First she took pictures of Brooke with her favorite toys.
Then she figured out a way to put the camera on something and be able to snap pictures of herself with her favorite toys. I'm pretty impressed by how well she got it set up! I hadn't even realized she did this until I saw these pictures a few minutes ago!
That Aubrey is sure a bundle of creative energy! There is never a dull moment when she is around!

Tori's Baby Blessing

On November 11th was our niece Tori's baby blessing. Doesn't she look like a porcelain doll?
Elliot, Katie, Tori with the Bagley Grandparents.
Most of the men who participated in the blessing.
Elliot with his little girl.
"This dress isn't just pretty, it's yummy too!" 
The cutie little cousins.

I had fun taking lots of pictures of Tori on her big day. With such a cute little model, how could I help myself!
Brookie lovin' on Tori.
Aubrey wanted her own photo shoot with the princess of the day.
I love this one.
Aubrey needing a pic of her own - funny girl!
It was a beautiful blessing and a fun time with family. We are glad we could be a part of it.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Credit Union Event

 A local credit threw a free family event to teach about saving and banking. When we arrived the girls were given some play money. The money could be used for the bounce houses, snacks and a train ride. They could either use it right away or put it in a savings account for 30 min. and they would get double the amount back. There were also some education stations they could go to and earn more money. It was a fun event, but holy cow it was crazy busy.
First item of business for my girls was dancing on the big stage.
Here they are on the jumbo tron.
After making their money, we had to spend it! First snacks and then . . .
. . .  bounce houses!
Aubrey was determined to get all the way up the ladder - and it is no easy feat. 
She persisted and took her time (much to the chagrin of all the kids waiting in line) and made it all the way to the top!
 Of course, whatever Aubrey does, Brooke must do also. She fell off a couple times, but because she was so little they let her get back on.
She made it to the top too! Happy girls!
We even ran into some fairies and princesses.
Last stop was the train ride before heading on out.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lovin' on Tori Love

 Cousin Tori came into town, so she could have her baby blessing.

As soon as they came in the door, Tori was swarmed by these 3 big cousins. They sure do love baby Tori!