Monday, February 25, 2013

Tori's Baby Blessing

On November 11th was our niece Tori's baby blessing. Doesn't she look like a porcelain doll?
Elliot, Katie, Tori with the Bagley Grandparents.
Most of the men who participated in the blessing.
Elliot with his little girl.
"This dress isn't just pretty, it's yummy too!" 
The cutie little cousins.

I had fun taking lots of pictures of Tori on her big day. With such a cute little model, how could I help myself!
Brookie lovin' on Tori.
Aubrey wanted her own photo shoot with the princess of the day.
I love this one.
Aubrey needing a pic of her own - funny girl!
It was a beautiful blessing and a fun time with family. We are glad we could be a part of it.

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