Sunday, February 17, 2013

Brooke Reads her First Book

Brooke has a strong desire to do EVERYTHING her sister does! We've been working a lot on reading with Aubrey this year, so Brooke insisted on a regular basis that I teach her to read too. I didn't think she was quite ready, but finally I gave in to her insisting and got out the first reader. (I have the books that I learned to read with - Wise Learn to Read series
On November 4th, Brooke zipped through the first book like a little pro. Then she went on to zip through the second one as well a few days later. We haven't spent a lot of time lately with her reading, I'm sorry to say, but I feel like reading will be a pretty natural skill for her. Yipee it's nice when something comes easily for a child!
Here is my excited Brookie - happy she can read!
You can see Aubrey being excited in the background too. Aubrey always gets very excited for Brooke when she does new things!

The thing Brooke has been working on lately is writing. She traces letters like a pro these days and can write a few on her own. She also is an excellent counter. Aubrey taught her to count to 100 by 10's and she can go pretty far by ones as well. (I think about 50 before we have to help her by going through the 10's with her). It's nice the second time around because they pick up so much by just observing you working with the first one!

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