Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Carving Jack O' Lanterns

A few days before Halloween, we carved our Jack O' Lanterns.
The girls do a pretty good job of helping to get the gets out!
They also help pick out all the seeds so I can roast them. 
 Then they help poke out the patterns.
Brooke really wanted a Pinkalicious Jack O'Lantern to match her costume. I made a template and was planning on uploading it here, in case anyone wanted it. However our computer died and I haven't been able to recover my more recent files. (Hopefully I can recover them and upload it to the blog before next Halloween!)
I think it turned out really cute and Brooke loved it!
A friend gave me the idea to use pink glow sticks to make her Pink!
Aubrey and Jeff made a creepy tombstone Jack. Aubrey wanted a scary one this year!
Here's my cuties with their Jack O'Lanterns.
And here's our whole crew. 
We have several Jacks that we made in the fake pumpkins years ago, that we decorate with. The girls wanted us to light them all up.
Then the girls decided that for dinner they wanted to have a picnic. As you can see Jeff and I did not want to join them. It was pretty cold - those silly monkeys!
I always love making cool Jack O'Lanterns! It will be fun when the girls are older and can even do the cutting themselves! 

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