Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Halloween Costumes

 I have gotten very behind on my blog, but have finally decided to try and catch up.
For Halloween Aubrey requested to be Merliah the Barbie Mermaid Princess.

Here's Merliah and Aubrey in our completed costume.
Merliah wears a special shell necklace, that changes her back and forth between a human and mermaid.  Months before Aubrey helped me make the necklace. I made the shell out of sculpey clay and a shell candy mold. Then Aubrey painted the shell and strung all of the beads. It was quite time consuming with all of those tiny white beads, but she kept at it!
The girls came with me fabric shopping to pick out the fabrics they liked. Aubrey kept saying, "Mom they don't have any shiny fabric with big flowers." I told her that if I had time, I would paint some flowers on the tail. Well I had some time, so here is an up close of the fabric painted flowers.
A few years ago, I made it a habit of making them coordinating trick or treat bags. Why, because I'm crazy like that. Anyway, Aubrey requested a bag with Merliah's friend dolphin - Zuma with a surfboard underneath. (When Merliah is a human she competes in surf boarding competitions.) I figured the best way to accomplish it was to cut the figures out of the fabric we had used in the costume and fuse it to the bag. It turned out better then I thought it would!
Here's my cute little Merliah the Mermaid Princess! She was one happy costumer and that made me very happy!
Brooke wanted to be her favorite story book character - Pinkalicious. (She eats too many cupcakes and then turns pink. She then puts on her pink fairy costume and says, "I'm Pinkerbelle.")
In the summer is when we decide the Halloween costumes - so I got started right away. I thought it would be fun to crochet a pink cupcake trick or treat bag for her costume.
Brooke was very specific on how she wanted the cupcake. She asked for a, "Dark pink wrapper, light pink frosting, white sprinkles and a red cherry on top." I did my best and pleased my little monkey!
Here she is happy to have her Pinkalicious cupcake purse! 
 Brooke was also quite specific on her costume. She had to have a gold tiara, wings, a wand and pink sparkle shoes. She even kept talking about needing to have pink hair and pink skin. I was originally not planning on going that far, but she won. Here she is head to toe PINK! 
She absolutely loved her costume and we got lots of compliments for it. She loved all the comments on her cute costume!
Flying like a fairy! 
 My too cuties on their way to our first Halloween party of the season!
My sister commented on how pink the two of them were. I hadn't noticed until we bought all of the fabric and I looked in my bag and it was ALL shades of pink! With two girls I guess that's bound to happen!

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