Saturday, March 16, 2013

City Level Reflections Awards Ceremony

 Since Aubrey won first place for her 3d diorama at her school level competition, her project moved on to the City Level competition.

Arriving at the awards ceremony and finding her project on display.

Anxiously awaiting to find out if her project won any awards.

Brooke was excited too.

The 3d awards are about to be announced. Here's Aubrey's name up on the big screen.

Aubrey won 3rd place for her 3d Diorama of her first day of Kindergarten. Here she is going up to get her trophy.

Standing up front with some of the other winners. 

Posing for me with her trophy. 

The cute little 3rd place winner! Aubrey sure had fun winning some awards for the first time!!

Pajama Story Time with Santa & Mrs. Clause

 We went to a Teddy Bear PJ storytime with Santa and Mrs. Clause in December. The girls had fun but it was packed with little munchkins!

First the girls found a spot and got their coloring sheets.

Isla came to join the party.

Aubrey giving Isla lots of loves. 

Having a snack of yogurt and cinnamon rolls.

Yay! Santa & Mrs. Claus arrive and read some stories. 

Then it was craft time.

Then home for bed. Luckily the girls were all ready for bed!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cute Little Girls

One morning I found my girls had made a fort out of Brooke's bed and were snuggling and reading stories together. Love those little sweethearts! 

I took some family pics of the Attridges for their Christmas card. In the process I got some cute pictures of their little munchkin!

Mid December I finished sewing the matching Dolly & Me Nightgowns for my girls.

One day Brooke looked so cute in her hat and coat that I had to take some pics of her.

Cute little lady!

Most of the great big smiles I got out of her was because she was teasing me and trying to turn or run away from the camera. Good thing I'm faster then her! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ward Christmas Party

 We enjoyed a nice Ward Christmas Party.

We had a breakfast for dinner theme, which turned out very yummy.

The kids dancing away to the Christmas Carols. If there is music, my girls must dance and convince their friends to join them!

Getting a turn to visit with Santa. 

Telling Santa what they want for Christmas.

Little cuties!

Dancing away on the stage while the adults cleaned up.

I don't even think there was music and my girls were just dancing their little hearts out to the music in their heads! Aubrey was doing a little modern dancing while Brooke was doing an upbeat number. 

Crazy Hair Day

Aubrey had a crazy hair day at school. She decided she wanted three braids that were rainbow colored. We just used sidewalk chalk for the coloring. It took quite a long time to rainbow all her hair - I forget how much hair that girl has! But she loved it and loved all of the compliments she got at school - so it was worth it!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Preschool Letter J - Jesus, Joseph & Jellyfish

I always think it's fun to have a  mostly Christmas themed preschool during the month of December. 

First we read a story about baby Jesus (I can't remember which book - it's been so long.)

Then they made their own little nativity with Joseph, Mary & baby Jesus. 

Here's a completed one. They all did a great job getting the paint mostly where it belongs.

Then we read a book about Jellyfish. (Once again I can't remember the exact book. It was a Juvenile non-fiction book we picked out from the library.)

Then we made Jellyfish out of foam bowls and streamers.

Then we turned a candy cane upside down to look like a J and made a "Joy to the World" sign. We also used Jingle bells for the O.

For a snack we had Juice pops. 

 Here's the kids with their completed Jellyfish. I think they turned out darling.

Annual Christmas Wagon Ride

Every year we take a horse drawn wagon ride through a great big Christmas lights display. It's one of our favorite traditions. 

Here we all are bundled up and ready to go!

Me with my little girlies!

Trying to get a pic with Daddy and the girls with the lights in the background. Unfortunately my girls are incapable of sitting still! 

Saying "Hi" to Santa's reindeer. 

The girls attempt at feeding the reindeer hay proved unsuccessful.

Warming up by the fire before we leave for home.