Saturday, March 16, 2013

City Level Reflections Awards Ceremony

 Since Aubrey won first place for her 3d diorama at her school level competition, her project moved on to the City Level competition.

Arriving at the awards ceremony and finding her project on display.

Anxiously awaiting to find out if her project won any awards.

Brooke was excited too.

The 3d awards are about to be announced. Here's Aubrey's name up on the big screen.

Aubrey won 3rd place for her 3d Diorama of her first day of Kindergarten. Here she is going up to get her trophy.

Standing up front with some of the other winners. 

Posing for me with her trophy. 

The cute little 3rd place winner! Aubrey sure had fun winning some awards for the first time!!

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