Friday, March 8, 2013


Aubrey decided she wanted to dress up like a Turkey/Indian for Thanksgiving. She had made the Indian things at school, but made the turkey feathers that morning. Here's my cute little Turkey/Indian. 
Since our clean Thanksgiving dinner turned out so delicious last year, I decided to just have a do-over this year. Click here  for the recipes from my post last year.
Here's our Pomegranate-Glazed Stuffed Roast Turkey.
The Honey Whole Wheat Crescent rolls.
The Whole Wheat Leek Stuffing. 
Esther provided the salad and mashed potatoes.
That afternoon Aubrey made little name cards for each plate.
Here's our family ready for the prayer so we can begin the feast.
The kiddos eating the yummy dinner.
The Attridges and my girls. 
Enjoying some yummy pie,
and ice cream too! 
As is tradition in our house, after dinner the girls helped Jeff set up the Christmas trees and string the lights so we'd be ready to decorate them the next day. 
We had a very nice and yummy Thanksgiving dinner with the Attridges.

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