Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jeff's Birthday

As is tradition in our family, the girls had a fun time planning and throwing a birthday party for their daddy. First was birthday dinner on the truck themed place settings the girls picked out. (Poor Aubrey had pink eye,  that's why she looks a little droopy in all the pics.)

The girls decided to play games and get little prizes after each game. So they picked the games and we went to the dollar store for prizes.

Playing with their first prize.

More games!

Too much fun with the party blower thingys.

For one of the prizes they picked little foam airplanes that we put together.

The completed planes.

 Card and present time!

The girls are always kind enough to help open presents!

 Jeff doesn't really like cake, but he loves Little Debbie's. So we had those instead!

We hope you had a fun party and a Happy Birthday!

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