Saturday, July 27, 2013

Christmas Fun, Family Visitors & Christmas Eve

 When Grandma & Grandpa came to town we went and saw the drive through lights display.

Then Elliot, Katie & Tori got here. Here's Aubrey giving her lots of loves. 

Tori Clause. 

Brookie giving Tori loves. 

Now it's time to decorate cookies.

The best way to do it is to smoother the cookie with frosting and sprinkles.


Then the Carlile clan got here. The girls had fun playing with Beckham.

The kid table at dinner. Don't let the picture fool you, I think the toddlers only remained in their spot for the minute that I took the picture!

Aubrey loves to take care of little ones. Beckham liked her feeding him! 

Getting goody bags ready to play elves at a local Nursing Home. 

My elves are all ready to spread some Christmas Cheer.

They had a blast singing songs and handing out goody bags. 

Several days before Christmas Eve, Aubrey wrote out a Nativity play script (including songs) and got together costumes. Look who decided to play baby Jesus.

The cute little angel telling Mary and Joseph they were going to have a baby. 

Sophie loved the manger!

The shepherds. 

The shepherds going to see baby Jesus.

Hugs for Sophie!

Grandma makes a good star. 

The wise man bringing gifts.

After the play my girls got to open one gift. 

Aubrey was super excited to get a Dream Light!

Brookie loved the princess play doh from Aubrey.

Getting a treat for Santa and his Reindeer.

Santa's a lucky one!

Putting baby Jesus in the manger that we were filling with hay all month. (Every time anyone did something kind they could put a piece of hay/yarn in the manger. We wanted to make it soft for baby Jesus to lay in on Christmas Eve.)

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