Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Homemade Honey Herbal Cough Drops & Cough Pops (for toddlers)

I saw a recipe for homemade cough drops on Facebook a couple of days ago. The problem was that it was half sugar and consuming sugar when you are sick is counterproductive. So after researching several homemade cough drop recipes, I experimented and made my own filled with many healing and comfort producing ingredients. I made them yesterday and my kids actually really liked them! So I think I'm going to keep them on stock the rest of the season and we'll eat them everyday as a preventative measure! (My oldest does have a little cold now and said that they felt great on her throat!) So here is my recipe: (I have both an essential oil version and a non-essential oil version.)

Homemade Honey Herbal Cough Drops

Essential Oil Version

1/2 C Pure Honey
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
2 drops OnGuard (DoTerra)
3 drops Lemon
1 drop Cloves
10 drops Peppermint

Bring honey, ginger and cinnamon to a boil. Turn down and simmer until it reaches the hard crack stage (300°), stirring continually. Let cool just a couple of minutes. Stir in the essential oils. Spoon drop (nickel size) onto parchment. After they cool completely sprinkle both sides with homemade powdered sugar*. (This keeps them from sticking together or I would have left this out). Store in a parchment lined, airtight container. If not using right away you can freeze them.
* Homemade Powdered Sugar - Put 1/3 C Organic Sugar (xylitol, succanat, turbinado, etc.) and 1 tsp cornstarch in a blender. Blend until powdered.

Non-Essential Oil Version

1/2 C Pure Honey
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Cloves
1Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice

Mix all of the ingredients and bring to a boil. Turn down and simmer until it reaches the hard crack stage (300°), stirring continually. Spoon drop (nickel size) onto parchment. After they cool completely sprinkle both sides with homemade powdered sugar*. (This keeps them from sticking together or I would have left this out). Store in a parchment lined, airtight container. If not using right away you can freeze them.

Toddler Cough Pops

Follow either of the above recipes. Place lollipop sticks on parchment paper and spoon quarter-sized drops onto the lollipop sticks. After they have cooled completely sprinkle with homemade powdered sugar*. Store in a parchment lined, airtight container. If not using right away you can freeze them.

About the Ingredients

Honey has been found to reduce a cough better then cough syrup! If you don't want to make the cough drops you can just take a tsp of pure honey (babies under 1 should not consume honey though). It is also know to bolster the immune system. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, and can help heal and soothe a sore or scratchy throat
Ginger is known to be pain relieving, an antiseptic and an antioxidant.
Cinnamon has been used both anciently and modern to treat cold and flu symptoms. It helps to clear congestion and soothe a scratchy irritated throat.
Lemon is full of vitamin C which is known to support the body's immune system. It can reduce the strength of cold or flu symptoms and help to reduce phlegm. It is also soothing on a sore throat.
Cloves is full of antioxidants which helps to improve the function of the body's immune system.
Peppermint is an expectorant, decongestant and mild pain reliever. It is a natural menthol which is used in most over the counter cough drops.
Doterra OnGuard On Guard is dōTERRA®’s unique, proprietary blend formulated to support healthy immune function. Wild orange essential oil, combined with clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary offer a fragrant, natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. On Guard, with its unique aroma, is one of our most versatile blends. It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing. On Guard is superb for eliminating and controlling pathogens due to the potency of its constituents. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.


  1. Hey there, very excited to try these, how much water are you referring to in these? Do you add water to the honey or underneath it in a double broiler?

  2. Sorry, the water was a mistake. I'll have to update the post. You just need to bring the honey, ginger and cinnamon to a boil.

  3. Oh ! Haha, I tried it with under a quarter cup and it still worked out. I do wonder how do you get it to drop uniform without having to reheat, that was the only difficulty I had was it was cooling so fast I had a little trouble. Or is that just to be expected? Thanks again, brilliant recipe!

  4. Glad it worked for you! Mine don't turn out uniform either - I just work fast! Enjoy your cough drops!
