Sunday, October 31, 2010


Since Halloween fell on Sunday this year, our city celebrated it yesterday (Saturday). Aubrey was so excited from the moment she woke up in the morning. She told Brooke all about trick or treating and even practiced with her. This little video clip is of Brooke practicing saying trick or treat.

Then it was time to make spud nuts. Aubrey was happy to help daddy with this.

Aubrey got invited to a costume birthday party for our neighbor. She thought it would be fun when I suggested she wear her ladybug costume, from a few years back, to the party. (Mommy was afraid she would get her witch one all messy, and I wouldn't have time to get it cleaned up.)

After naps it was time to make the homemade root beer. Brookie got so excited about the steam. You can kind of see her in the back corner pointing and smiling. She not only loved the steam though, she LOVED drinking root beer.

After dinner we got all costumed up!

It was pouring down rain when we finished getting ready, so we waited by the window watching for the rain to stop so we could run out and trick or treat.

Hmmm why do we need to beg our neighbors for candy, when we have a whole big basket full here - thought Brooke.

Then she proceeded to fill her jack o lantern with the candy.

As soon as the rain let up, Aubrey begged daddy to show her the skeleton and monster doing their thing.

Then off we went to trick or treat!

Brookie had a ball, but was a very distracted trick or treater. You can see here, that we had trouble even getting her out of the yard because she wanted to play with the lights.

"Trick or Treat!" They were a cute little excited bunch! They would look for the houses with lights on them, tell us excitedly when they found one and then run off to the door. Brooke would then try and chase after them.

Here's our yard. The new thing this year were the torches around the perimeter.

Some things couldn't come outside as usual because of the rain :(.

Our family, back from trick or treating.

I had to get a picture of Brooke's shoes. I got them for a few bucks at a second hand store and Brooke absolutely LOVED them. The first time she wore them she pet them and kissed them. It was too cute. We almost lost one of them while trick or treating - I was glad when I discovered it on the neighbors lawn. (Ask Esther how difficult it was for me to take this picture. Actually I wanted one with both Aubrey and Brooke's shoes, but that did not happen. Getting Brooke to stand where you want her too, is completely impossible! Esther had a good laugh though watching me try and attempt it.)

Enjoying the spoils.

Mmmmm chocolate is soooo yummy.

While we were out trick or treating, my siblings and spouses arrived. Here is our crew.

Aubrey loves showing everyone her computer games. I was attending to Brooke and the trick or treaters for a bit. I went to check on Aubrey and saw how sweetly Aubrey's aunts were appeasing her and watching her play games.

Then I convinced her that we should play some real games. Aunt Esther nicely suggested Candy Land and Aubrey happily agreed.

I promised Aubrey if she would take a nap, then she could stay up late and party with us. She was so happy and cute all night.

After Candy Land, Aubrey suggested we play cooties. Me and my bug were a team.

Here's Aubrey excitedly putting on her last leg and winning the game! Go Aubrey!

So happy to have won the game.

Summer struggled during the game but stuck with it and after rolling the dice many many times after the rest of us had finished, she finally completed her cootie!

Summer was determined to win at cooties, so even after Aubrey was put to bed, she had us all play again. And we did not only play one more time, but two more times. Yes, we are a funny little bunch!
It was a really fun night! Thanks local family for spending Halloween night with us and making it even more fun!! I already can't wait for next year!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Walk

A local garden had a free Jack O Lantern walk on Friday. They had set up, throughout the garden, all sorts of carved Jack O Lanterns. I was watching a friends children that day and thought it would be a nice little excursion for us to go on.

Rachel came with her kids too. So, here is our whole crew.

Since Zoe and Easton were in costume from preschool, I put the other girls in mini costumes too - so they wouldn't feel left out! 

Feeling ucky and gooey things and trying to figure out what they are.

Pumpkin bowling. 

They also had free donuts and apple cider

Posing for a pic. on the way back to the car.

Another Halloween Party

We got to go to another party at Daddy's work. This one was for the kids of the whole university. It was all students putting it on. They did a great job.

As soon as Aubrey saw the great big slide - that's all she wanted to do! I loved how she went down with complete abandonment! (Not a usual thing for Aubrey)

Being a good daddy and taking Brooke down.

 Darling little golf game.

Brooke giving golf a try too! 

Ring toss 

Knocking down some Halloween creatures. 

My cutie cat! 

 When Brooke finally let me put her down - she wanted to wander aimlessly!

And of course the cake walk. On our way there, Aubrey asked me if they would have a cake walk. I can't figure out what is so exciting about a cake walk - but that kid just loves them! 

Petting the snake - how brave! 

Brooke had no trouble handling the snake. 

They had to reach in and grab their candy out of the tarantula's box. Neither one was the least bit afraid. See the green candy in the right corner (right next to the spider) - Aubrey grabbed one that was right next to it. She knew which she wanted and could care less if a great big hairy spider was next to it!

Fishing for treasure. 

Once again the girls had a blast at yet another Halloween party. And if you think we are all partied out  - think again. Aubrey has one more party this afternoon! The rest of us will be home making our homemade Spud nuts and Root beer while she's partying!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Crafts

 We've been doing lots of Halloween crafts at our house lately. The girls are having a ball.

Brooke made her Jack O Lantern with Mommy while Aubrey was in her room playing. She was so excited she wanted to show her sis. In the above pic she is knocking on the door and saying, "Sis". 

Then Aubrey came out to join in the fun. They are decorating a door hanger together. 

 Making more Halloween Posters.
Thanks Grandma's for all of the fun craft things you sent!

We carved our Jack O Lanterns Tuesday night. Aubrey decided that she wanted Mickey Mouse and Brooke wanted a Mouse too - so we did Minnie.

Here are our finished Jack O Lanterns. 

Brooked LOVED seeing them all lit up! She started giggling and saying "Mouse." 

We also made some sugar cookies this week. Now I have two little helpers and that made for a very messy project!

Brooke decorated for a second, but then enjoyed eating all of the sprinkles on her tray.

Aubrey decorated almost all 3.5 dozen cookies.

Enjoying her yummy cookie. 

Cutie green face! 

Aubrey had to give her cookies a taste too. 

Making that many cookies sure is exhausting! (This is how mommy felt afterwards too!) 

 Aubrey showing off the darling crafts she made the day before at preschool.