Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Crafts

 We've been doing lots of Halloween crafts at our house lately. The girls are having a ball.

Brooke made her Jack O Lantern with Mommy while Aubrey was in her room playing. She was so excited she wanted to show her sis. In the above pic she is knocking on the door and saying, "Sis". 

Then Aubrey came out to join in the fun. They are decorating a door hanger together. 

 Making more Halloween Posters.
Thanks Grandma's for all of the fun craft things you sent!

We carved our Jack O Lanterns Tuesday night. Aubrey decided that she wanted Mickey Mouse and Brooke wanted a Mouse too - so we did Minnie.

Here are our finished Jack O Lanterns. 

Brooked LOVED seeing them all lit up! She started giggling and saying "Mouse." 

We also made some sugar cookies this week. Now I have two little helpers and that made for a very messy project!

Brooke decorated for a second, but then enjoyed eating all of the sprinkles on her tray.

Aubrey decorated almost all 3.5 dozen cookies.

Enjoying her yummy cookie. 

Cutie green face! 

Aubrey had to give her cookies a taste too. 

Making that many cookies sure is exhausting! (This is how mommy felt afterwards too!) 

 Aubrey showing off the darling crafts she made the day before at preschool.

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