Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Halloween Party

We got to go to another party at Daddy's work. This one was for the kids of the whole university. It was all students putting it on. They did a great job.

As soon as Aubrey saw the great big slide - that's all she wanted to do! I loved how she went down with complete abandonment! (Not a usual thing for Aubrey)

Being a good daddy and taking Brooke down.

 Darling little golf game.

Brooke giving golf a try too! 

Ring toss 

Knocking down some Halloween creatures. 

My cutie cat! 

 When Brooke finally let me put her down - she wanted to wander aimlessly!

And of course the cake walk. On our way there, Aubrey asked me if they would have a cake walk. I can't figure out what is so exciting about a cake walk - but that kid just loves them! 

Petting the snake - how brave! 

Brooke had no trouble handling the snake. 

They had to reach in and grab their candy out of the tarantula's box. Neither one was the least bit afraid. See the green candy in the right corner (right next to the spider) - Aubrey grabbed one that was right next to it. She knew which she wanted and could care less if a great big hairy spider was next to it!

Fishing for treasure. 

Once again the girls had a blast at yet another Halloween party. And if you think we are all partied out  - think again. Aubrey has one more party this afternoon! The rest of us will be home making our homemade Spud nuts and Root beer while she's partying!

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