Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Fun

Let the Halloween festivities begin!! The girls got to debut their Halloween costumes this weekend. Friday afternoon we went to a carnival at a retirement center. (Rachel's grandpa resides there.)

Both girls were super excited to wear their costumes. When I asked Brooke if she wanted me to dress her up like a kitty, she jumped up excitedly and yelled, "yeah". It was cute to see her get so excited. And Aubrey of course was excited to finally be the witch she asked for several months ago.

 Even though Aubrey looks like a good witch - she is convinced she is a scary witch and will tell anyone that, who asks her. She sure does have the scary witch cackle down!

My kitty petting the kitty.

Trying to get them to stand together for a picture was ridiculous!

We made it to the carnival! Aubrey & Zoe were anxious to check out the Haunted House.

Then it was craft time.

Back through the Haunted House!

Fishing for prizes

Having fun in the duck pond.

Brooke wanted to get them all!

Enjoying the Bean bag toss (or drop in Brooke's case.)

Getting her little prize.

Aubrey has always loved the cake walk. We did it twice and I had to drag her away both times.

Brooke loved it too, however she didn't quite get that she was supposed to walk on the pictures. She just had fun wandering around in the middle and listening to the music.

She finally caught on.
The witch and her pet kitty walking together.

Enjoying the ring toss.

Popping balloons is soooo much fun.

She got pretty close! The next one actually went in.

Trying out her fangs when we got home.

We had such a fun time at our first Halloween carnival this year. Thanks Rachel & Zoe for inviting us! Now if we could all get over our colds and ear infections we could really enjoy the holiday!


  1. Did you make Brooke's costume? So cute!

  2. Yeah I made Brooke's costume. It was super easy and I was pleased with how it turned out. Thanks!
