Monday, October 25, 2010

Ward Halloween Carnival

The ward Halloween carnival is my favorite ward activity of the year. Ours was on Saturday and the girls were excited to get to dress up and go to another party. Aubrey asked me several times during the day if it was time to go to the party. The activities committee did a great job - we had a lot of fun.

Brookie fishing. This booth was our Primary booth and I forgot to take a pic. of the decorations. I found images of sea creatures and images of masks and hats. I put the costumes on the fish so they would be dressed up for Halloween. I thought it turned out pretty cute.

Aubrey's turn to fish.

Of course we had to do the cake walk.

 The penny toss.

Brooke didn't want to let the penny's go.

Aubrey doing her witch cackle.

Brookie doing the bean bag throw.

The ring toss.

Tic Tac Toe bean bag toss.

Daddy giving Brooke a hand.

Aubrey getting her face painted.

Showing off her spider.

Trying to eat a doughnut from a string. Oops she cheated and used her hands.

Showing off another pair of fangs.

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