Friday, November 19, 2010

Cutest Big Sister

Last night as I was starting to get Brooke dressed for bed, Aubrey came over and started helping me. After Aubrey finished undressing Brooke she wanted to help with her diaper. She's really good at putting one on her babies so she was thrilled that Mommy was gonna let her put one on Brooke. She soon discovered that a moving target is not so easy to diaper!

 It was seriously so funny to watch Aubrey trying to put a diaper on Brooke. First getting Brooke to lay on the diaper on her backside was hilarious. Aubrey kept saying, "No Brooke lay down right here on the diaper." Brooke would then lay on the diaper, but on her tummy. "No Brooke turn around on your back" Aubrey would say. I finally had to step in and position Brooke on the diaper.

She thought it was gonna be easy from there - think again Aubrey. "Brooke move your leg so I can pull the middle up.", "Brooke stop moving." Are some of the things Aubrey was saying in her frustration. Brooke was finding the whole thing to be both fascinating and funny.

I thought Aubrey would be done after that, but nope, she asked if she could put Brooke's jammies on her.
Brooke tried really hard to lay on the jammies and be cooperative (something she NEVER does for Mommy.) But, letting Aubrey control her feet enough to get them in the jammies was another story. I finally got Aubrey to agree to let me help with the feet. (Letting me help is something Aubrey rarely lets me do.)

Once the feet were in, Aubrey did a fantastic job getting her arms in the sleeves - and Brooke was very cooperative for her.

I thought the zipper was the cutest part. Brooke was standing there so still while her sister finishes her pj's.

Look at that cute smile on Brooke, I think she was proud of Aubrey for being able to help her get dressed!

It must have tickled Brooke when Aubrey was doing the snap, because she was just cracking up!

 Hurray she did it! (She must have been exhausted!)

I just love those two girls!

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