Sunday, November 21, 2010

Those Girls

Brooke just loves her blanket. The other morning she was dragging it behind her as she wandered around the house. It was so cute, so I went and grabbed the camera to take a pic. As soon as she saw the camera she immediately stood up against the wall and posed for me! (I train them young!)

After much stopping and posing I finally got her to keep moving so I could take the pic. I wanted.

The other day for lunch both Brooke and Aubrey wanted to say the prayer. I asked Brooke if Aubrey could help her say the prayer. (Aubrey has been dying to do this, but Brooke hadn't been cooperative thus far.) This time she said "yes". It was so sweet. Aubrey would say a phrase and Brooke would do her best to repeat it. It was such a sweet prayer! I love to see those two interacting and learning from each other.

The other day I called the family in for dinner. Brooke ran into the kitchen and said, "eat". Then she folded her arms and said, "pray". I'm happy she has learned that we pray every time we eat.

Jeff and I sometimes make funny faces at the girls to make them laugh. Lately every time we do this Brooke calls us "silly."

Brooke has also started singing songs with us. In a few songs she is able to anticipate the next lyric and will sometimes sing it even before we do. She really likes the Sunbeam song and after hearing Aubrey sing it only once or twice, she caught on to the jumping up on the "beam" part. Kids just love that!

I had to take Aubrey to the doctor the other day. When Brooke heard that we were going to the doctors office, she pointed to her leg and said, "shot." She remembered what happened to her the last visit. Then when we sat down in the examination room, she immediately started to cry. I think she was really afraid that she was going to get another shot the poor thing.

Aubrey loves the little crafts she makes in her preschool. Here she is with her turkey headband.

Brooke was sick to her stomach a few days ago. I had gotten her some pedialyte and was trying to convince her to drink it. Aubrey jumped into the conversation and said, "Brooke you gotta drink and eat your food because it will make you big and strong." She held out her arms and then continued, "Do you see how big and strong my arms are? If you wanna be big and strong like me you gotta drink your drink." Too cute. She also kept pointing out at the grocery store that she was able to help Mommy put all the food in the cart because of her "big strong muscles."

The other day Aubrey cleaned up her whole room all by herself. I wasn't even in the room with her. I was vacuuming and asked her to go to her room to pick up so that I could vacuum. When I got to her room I was so happily surprised that she had done just as I asked!!

Aubrey thinks very deeply about things that we have talked about. The other day we were eating lunch and she asked, "Mommy how do we get back to Heaven after we die?" I responded with, "Well our spirits leave our bodies and it's our spirits that go back to Heaven." She responded, "Yeah but, HOW does our spirit get back to Heaven?" Hmm I'm already stumped by my 3 year old's question. I think I'm gonna be doing a lot of research in the years to come to answer my Aubrey's questions!

She has also been thinking a lot about when she grows up and is all on her own. Frequently she asks things like, "When I get baptized will I still live with you and dad?" I have to reassure her that it will be a long long time before she will move out of our house. Then she'll respond with something like, "Well, when I'm a Mommy and have my own baby and I live in my own house, you'll come visit me right?" Too which I respond that I will. One day she then asked, "Well what will Brooke be when I'm a Mommy?" So I explained that Brooke will probably be a Mommy too. She just really ponders about things and tries to figure everything out. She completely understands that her Grandparents are Jeff and my parents and that her Aunts and Uncles are our siblings. She thought it was really fun when I explained that I'll be the Grandma to her and Brooke's babies. I just love how I can peek into that fascinating mind of hers though the questions and conversations that we have!

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