Saturday, December 4, 2010


 I'm finally getting around to catching up on my blog. It will probably be a few days, but here is a start.

Aubrey is becoming such a big helper. It's nice that her "helping" is actually helpful now. When she washes her hands after her meals, she will most times rinse whatever dishes are in the sink as well. Do you see that blue dirty casserole dish? She scrubbed and scrubbed that thing until it was clean as a whistle. What a cute little helper I have.

The other day I was making dinner and I asked Aubrey to pick up the family room. While she was picking up she started singing at the top of her lungs a song she was making up as she went. These are some of the words that I was able to write down: "Picking up doesn't take so very long. Just do it, do it, do it. Do what your mommy asks. Helping others makes me feel happy. When you're feeling lonely know that I'm here for you. I love to help others." It was so cute. Brooke was dancing to Aubrey's song too. After Aubrey was done with the family room she went looking for more rooms to clean because she was having so much fun singing and cleaning. Brooke followed her around dancing and helping to pick up.

She has been so cute with her dolls lately. Many times I will go into her room and she will have all of her dolls and some of her stuffed animals to bed in her makeshift beds. It's really cute.


Aubrey just LOVES the Friend magazine and is so excited whenever a new one comes in the mail. One day while Brooke was sleeping we just snuggled and read almost a whole magazine. She was really listening to the stories, because I would ask her questions about the stories after we read them, and she would get most of the answers correct.

 The other day I made chicken tacos for dinner. We looked over at Brooke and this is how she was eating hers, too funny.

Since Brooke was getting so much attention for it, Aubrey thought she should follow suit.

I've been wondering if Brooke knew that she was looking at herself when she looked in the mirror. Usually she would say "baby" whenever looking into a mirror. A few weeks ago she figured it out. She was playing with a toy that had a mirror. She noticed the mirror and got all excited. She brought it over to me, pointed at herself in the mirror and said, "me". Now whenever she sees herself in the mirror she says, "Brooke".

She is getting so good at conversations. Even though most of her communication is still one and two words, she has figured out how to get her point across. (She does say some sentences, but that is only occasionally.) After nursery a couple Sundays ago we asked her, "Brooke, how was nursery?" And she responded with, "sad". Which was quite accurate because she had cried almost the whole time. Then she folded her arms and said, "Sis. Amen" to tell me that Aubrey had said a prayer. Then she patted her head and said, "Sis. Hurt. Sis. Sad. Sis. Cry." She even put her pointer finger up to her eye and drew a line down her cheek when she said, "Sis. Cry" Then I asked her if Aubrey was sad the rest of the time and she responded with, "No Sis. Happy." It was so cute having a little conversation with my Brookie bug. I verified with Aubrey later and she had said the prayer and had gotten hurt and cried, but then felt better and was happy again.

The other day I took Aubrey to the doctors because she has been complaining of a sick stomach for a while now and has thrown up a couple times a few weeks ago. I found out that she most likely has acid reflux. Hopefully it can be treated for a couple of months and then go away. Anyway, when we were in the lobby a little girl kept coming up to Brooke and giving her hugs. Brooke was not happy about this. Finally after the third time, she looked right at the girl and said, "shy".  She has heard mommy tell many people that she is shy, so she knew exactly what to tell the girl. It was so cute!

Man I love those little girls!

1 comment:

  1. I love my little nieces. How cute are they? I love that Aubrey helps. My Katie is the worst. Anytime I mention pick up she wails. And then says. "OK. How about 4 things?" Ugh. Miss you.
