Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Snowman

A couple of Sundays ago, we woke up to a backyard full of snow. Aubrey was dying to go out in it. Her first item of business was to eat the snow - funny kid.

Brooke did not know what to think about the whole thing, and just stood there most of the time.


 Aubrey's next item of business was to build a snowman. Mommy had to go to a meeting, but Daddy was nice enough to help her out. 

I didn't get to see the finished snowman - by the time I got home this one and another smaller one had already fallen over. Aubrey was very sad that I didn't get to see them. I assured her that there will be more snowman building this winter.

1 comment:

  1. Are they in their jammies? How cute is that. I miss the snow....on occasion.
