Monday, December 6, 2010


We had a real nice Thanksgiving this year. It started the day before with my two cuties helping me make the rolls.

 They are just the two cutest helpers on the planet!

 They had a ball rolling out the dough, brushing on the butter and then rolling up the crescent rolls.
Brooke was too cute. Whenever she would roll one up she would say, "roll, roll, roll" the whole time.

My parents came in to town late Wednesday night. The girls were really excited to see them on Thursday.

Even Brooke warmed right up to Grandpa.

Aubrey really wanted to play Cooties with just Grandma.

Brooke feeding Grandma some grapes.

Aubrey was kind of tired late afternoon, so she snuggled with Grandma and read stories.

This is the beautiful table that Katie & Esther decorated for dinner.

Katie made the Turkey this year, and it was delicious.

Our family. Aubrey has a real grumpy expression because I had just woken her up.

I had to take a picture of Aubrey at her place because she LOVED that she had her own place with a name tag and everything!

My two hungry cutie pies.

The whole gang ready to partake of the yumminess.

The clean up afterward. You couldn't fit another person at that sink no matter how hard you tried!

Aubrey & Brooke loved playing with Sophie. Sophie was a little warn out the next day!

Aubrey was so excited when Sophie snuggled up with her on the coach.

Who needs to lift weights when you can lift nieces!

Jeff had taken Brooke home for a nap during the afternoon. He surprised us by setting up the Christmas trees while she napped. Both girls were so excited when they saw the trees.
So, I surprised them all by letting them open up their first Christmas present.

Jeff has always wanted a train under the tree, and I knew the girls would love it as well.

It was a great Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, it's nice to have a day to think about all of our blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Good times. I love the sink picture. It's a classic. Your girls always look so cute.
