Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

The morning after Thanksgiving Aubrey was so excited to decorate the Christmas trees! We even gave her the choice of watching Santa fly in on a helicopter or decorate the tree and she choose decorate the tree! (Jeff and I weren't too sad about that, because it was cold!)

She and Brooke had fun setting up their nativity.

Aubrey couldn't wait to help daddy put together the train.

The train making it's first trip around the tree.

Aubrey had to take her own picture of the train and tree.

On to the next tree - the girls hadn't lost any decorating stream.

Aubrey was such a BIG help with the decorations this year. She decorated at least a third of both trees and did an awesome job. At the beginning of the decorating I told her to spread out the ornaments and not put any too close together. She did just that and I didn't have to move around any of her ornaments. What a good eye she has!

Later in the day Aubrey started spontaneously washing the dishes. So, I went over to load them. Brooke ran over and took over that job from me. It was seriously so cute to see them both working together to do the dishes.

As I did the finishing touches on the dishes, Aubrey was playing with her nativity. She ran over and said, "Mommy I set up my nativity just like yours!" Look at how cute it looks :).

So, I took a picture of her with it.

Brooke saw this all happen. She moved around a few of the figures and then looked up at me and said, "Cheese!" Too cute! She wanted a picture with her nativity too!

I LOVE to have the house decorated for Christmas and since we all had such a fun time doing it together, it went so much faster this year!

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