Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Fun

We had our first Christmas Party a week from Saturday. Jeff's work had a family Christmas party complete with pictures with Santa. Both girls were so excited to see Santa. Brooke even said that she would sit on his lap.

The line was very long, but luckily they had children singing and dancing for us. Aubrey & Zoe were completely mesmerized!

After waiting for over an hour, Rachel decided to take Aubrey and Zoe to make some crafts and play some games while we saved our spot in the line. I'm glad she did that because we ended up waiting in line for 2 hours!

When Brooke could finally see Santa she started jumping up and down excitedly and saying, "Ho Ho." She even reminded me that she was going to sit on his lap. 

Aubrey went right up and got on Santa's lap.

Brooke on the other hand changed her mind once we got up to Santa, so I had to get in the photo with them. I would have been happy with the classic "baby screaming on Santa's lap" photo, but she was fighting her way off of his lap and Santa was worried he was gonna lose her!

Aubrey & Zoe wearing their cute crafts (Zoe made a headband and Aubrey a necklace.)

Aubrey, Brooke and I had to rush from the party to make it to a baptism on time. After the baptism we ran over to Toys R Us and guess who was there - Santa! Two Santa's in one day those lucky little girls!

They even had Geoffrey there too!

 Brooke was once again very excited to see Santa. Here she is pointing.

Waving at Santa and Geoffrey.

But, getting up close to them was not on her agenda.

 After Toys R Us we rushed home for a quick lunch and naps. My niece, Michelle, came down to visit with us. Once Brooke awoke from her nap we had dinner and then headed out for our annual "Horse pulled wagon ride" through a big Christmas lights display.

It was an unusually warm night for this time of year and so many others had the same idea. When we got there the wagon rides were full. So, we headed over to see Santa's reindeer that they have there every year.

Aubrey was trying to get the reindeer to come over by holding out some hay for them.

While we were checking out the reindeer Aubrey asked, "Mommy, do they have any more of Santa's cookies here?" I asked her what she meant by that, because I hadn't mentioned anything about cookies. She then said, "Last year when we came they had some cookies over in that store." She was right - we did get some cookies in the store the year before - and I probably told her that they came from Santa. I can not believe her incredible memory! She was only 2 1/2 last year - how can she remember that! Anyway, we went in and they had half a cookie left. 

It was a very busy and very fun day! I love all of the Christmas festivities!!

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