Friday, December 10, 2010

The Big Show

Aubrey's main end of the year recital was on Monday, November 29th. It was in an actual theater on a great big stage - and Aubrey was so looking forward to this. She's been playing "concert" for years and had been dying to be in her own concert on an actual stage!

Here is me with my beautiful ballerina.

 My parents extended their Thanksgiving stay just to be here for the show. And all of my local siblings were nice enough to come too. Here are all of Aubrey's supporters.

Those little ones looked so cute on that great big stage. We couldn't use flash so you can't see well, but Aubrey is front and center.

Cute little spinning ballerinas!

She got to do both of her dance numbers at this show. In between her numbers she was just glued to the stage. She watched all of the performances in awe. I think the only thing she said was, "When do I get to dance on the stage again?" Which she asked after almost every number!
They told the girls at the dress rehearsal that they would get to wear Santa hats for the finale. Aubrey was so excited about this. In fact, I didn't even know about it until she asked me when we went back stage where her Santa hat was.

Running on stage for the final bow.

One cute, happy little dancer!

She loved getting her own flowers. She was quite tired by this point because it was way past her bedtime - but she did a great job for being up so late.
Aubrey with all her peeps.

Grandma & Grandpa left right after the show for their trip back home. Thanks Mom & Dad for staying - it was really fun to have you there!

We (Aubrey & Me) sure did have fun with Aubrey's first dance class. I already can't wait for the next term to begin!!

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