Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jeff's Birthday

Jeff's birthday was the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He had to work in the morning and after we headed to our friends the Julin's double baptism where Jeff gave a fantastic talk on the Holy Ghost. When we returned home from the baptism the girls were very anxious for Daddy to open his presents!

Aubrey was real excited to give daddy a present.

Brooke was too!

Checking out one of his presents.

 Then mommy made his birthday dinner while the girls played with him. After dinner my parents and Elliot & Katie came over for cake and ice cream.

My parents offered to babysit so that we could go to a movie. Jeff really wanted to see "Inception" but it was sold out. So we bought tickets for "Wall Street" instead. Before the show began Jeff asked if we could go to "Inception" afterward. So, we ended up watching a double feature and staying out all hours of the night. We felt like kids again!


  1. Heather and Jeff,
    We loved going to your blog and getting your Christmas letter! Thanks so much! I think Aubrey looks a lot like you, Heather.
    We tried to send out our Christmas letter via email this year, but yours was sent back to us. Could you send us your email address? Ours is
    Thanks, and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

  2. Crazy kids staying out so late. But I am sure Jeff had a great birthday.
