Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Eve of Christmas Eve

My parents and brother rented a cabin for all of us locals for Christmas. We didn't stay the whole time (because I didn't want to drag all of our Christmas stuff up there). Thursday afternoon after naps we went up to hang at the cabin for the evening. Aubrey was excited because she loves any kind of new adventure.

 When we got there we noticed that my girls and Sophie matched. Black and pink - too cute.

Then the kids decorated the tree with all of Aubrey's hand made decorations. Aubrey had been very much looking forward to this.

Grandma showed Brooke that she made Gingerbread cookies. Brooke loved them.

Then we decorated Christmas cookies.

As soon as I gave Brooke the "ok" that cookie went straight to her mouth!

Aubrey's pretty cookie. This was the only one with a normal color. After this one she remembered our preschool lesson on color mixing and insisted on mixing all the colors together to see what color she could make. We ended up with all sorts of shades of brown and grey. Funny kid.

Love that red face.

Aubrey noticed that the adults were using a tube to decorate - so she had to give that a try!

Then of course Brooke had to do it too!

Even Grandpa got in on the cookie decorating action.

Katie & Esther showing off their cookie masterpieces.

Grandma keeping everything going.

Brooke soon tired of the decorating but discovered Sophie under the table. Under she went to play with her.

I don't know what this face was for - but it sure was cute!

After Sophie tired of Brooke she found a new friend - cousin JJ. They were so cute together. She loved JJ. She was cracking up while he was tickling her.

Dancing with Grandma. Brooke is sporting the new look for this season - one shoe off and one shoe on!

Aubrey decorated until the bitter end - here's my little green monster in Grandma's apron.

JJ showed Aubrey the game room - and she was in heaven. These two cousins played together so cute!

Brookie had to try her hand at air hockey.

Then they discovered the video games.

It was a fun evening. Aubrey was disappointed that we weren't staying the night like JJ was. But, I did assure her that she would get to spend the night after Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the leg warmers. How fun are they. It is so fun to see everyone. It sure looks like fun.
