Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve morning taking Aubrey to the doctors office. She once again had a random fever with no other symptoms. Since the next day was Christmas and since we knew we were going to be around the rest of the family, we wanted to make sure she didn't have an infection like strep or something. It turned out to be nothing and went away after her nap.

When we got home we worked on a little craft project. I like to do a Christ centered craft project with my girls on Christmas Eve. I found this darling nativity for Aubrey to color and cut out.

 Aubrey was so proud of the nativity that she made herself.

 When we finished she wanted to make some more nativities, so she drew her own.

Here's her baby Jesus that she had to tape up.

After naps we went back up to the cabin for Christmas Eve dinner and a little program.

 After dinner I had prepared the little program that we did last year. I wrapped up the pieces of the nativity and divided them up amongst the adults. The kids went to the adult they were instructed to and opened up a part of the nativity. Then that adult told them that specific part of the story.

Then they put together their nativities as we went. I wrapped up two sets so that the kids would have more presents to open.

Once Brooke opened up baby Jesus, she would not let him go.

I think the kids really enjoyed it.

Then as is tradition, we acted out the nativity story as Dad read it from the Bible.
Esther & Bryan were the most obvious choice for Mary and Joseph!

After changing her mind a few times, Aubrey finally decided that she wanted to be the star.

She decided the best way to get the star up in the sky would be to jump the whole time. 

Grandma finally got her on a chair so she could guide the Wise men to baby Jesus.

Then we sang "Away in the Manger". Being as this is Aubrey's favorite song, she sang it with gusto.

Then the girls each got to open one present. They opened one of their presents from G&G Bagley.
Aubrey was excited to get her talking baby - the thing she had been asking for all month.

Brooke was super thrilled to get a talking baby as well and hers came with a bathroom.

She just loves taking her baby to the potty.

Then we headed home to put out some cookies and milk for Santa.

We also write thank you notes and pictures to leave for Santa.
Then off to bed for my two very excited girls. I won't lie, I was pretty excited too!

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