Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fun with the Train and other Stories

We were watching the train a couple Sundays ago. All of a sudden Aubrey said, "I wish this had a tunnel to go under." So I said, "We could build one." And Aubrey said, "I have the perfect thing to use to make a tunnel." She ran off to her room and came back with the arch block to top our tunnel.
The girls had a ball building the tunnel and then watching the train go under it. Simple pleasures!

 Daddy got the girls advent calendars to count down to Christmas. They LOVE LOVE LOVE their calendars. Almost every morning the first thing Aubrey asks is, "What number day is it today?" And then we run off to find the right window to open. Mmmm chocolate first thing in the morning - what a treat!

 Aubrey had been dying to write her letter to Santa. We finally made it happen last week. Now we just need to make a trip to Macy's to put it in the Make A Wish Foundation mailbox.

Brooke wasn't real interested in standing still for a picture.

This is Brooke's Gingerbread man. She got him at story time at the beginning of the month, and she just loves him. She has been carrying him around everywhere. She also gets excited when she sees pictures of other gingerbread men. I think she's going to love decorating Gingerbread houses soon!

Brookie bug just loves the color purple. I never knew that a child this young could have a favorite color. She will seek out purple things all of the time. She rummages through her drawer looking for purple clothes, she only wants to color with purple markers and crayons and she only wants to wear her purple tutu. What a little cutie. She even told me that she wanted a purple baby doll from Santa.

Brooke has also began some real imaginative play. For the last several days she grabs a little bucket and puts it on her arm like a purse. Then she says to me, "Bye Bye. Work." Then she goes to the garage door and tries to open it so she can leave for work just like daddy. What a little cutie pants!

One morning a couple weeks back, Aubrey called down the hall, "Mommy, I Love you." (This is a pretty common occurence for her) So I called back, "I Love you too, Aubrey." Then Brooke yelled, "I Love too." It was her first time saying that. It was so sweet!

One night at bedtime Aubrey said to Jeff and I, "I'm going to name my first baby Heather. And I'm going to name my second baby Jeff." It made our hearts melt!

Aubrey's new thing is that she wishes she could fly. She talks about it all of the time. It must be a rite of passage through childhood to wish you could fly!

Aubrey has also been really interested in what will happen to the earth when we go to heaven. I'm not sure what got her thinking about this. We discussed that the earth will be changed and will become part of heaven. She was very interested with this and now talks about it a lot. Her little mind is always churning! That girl is gonna keep me on my toes when it comes to gospel questions! I hope I'm prepared!

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