Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wagon Ride Take Two

A week from Monday we made our second attempt to take our wagon ride through the lights. This time we decided to get there early for the very first trip. Our plan worked and we were able to take our ride this time!
 My bundled up cuties awaiting our ride!

Brooke enjoying a treat with daddy.

 Aubrey and Mommy snuggles.

Here we are on the wagon. We ended up getting our own personal tour!

Aubrey watched intently the whole time, as usual.

Brooke on the other hand would watch for a bit and then would say, "All done", try to jump off of my lap to wander around the wagon. This would be dangerous and I couldn't allow that to happen. So, I got to try and keep her entertained the whole time!

These are some of the cool light displays that we saw.

The Gingerbread house.

Santa's castle

Santa bidding us farewell. This was both of the girls favorite. They waved goodbye to Santa as Brooke repeated, "Ho Ho" over and over again.

It's a fun holiday tradition and I was glad that we could make it happen!

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