Thursday, December 16, 2010

Preschool - A is for Art

Since I and Aubrey love art, I thought it would be fun to have a preschool day where we try different types of art. Since I knew some may not want to sit the whole time I decided to do some performing arts along with visual arts.

Our first art was Sculpture. Since it's December we had to make Christmas ornaments. I have these cool cookie stamps and so the kids made a red Santa, green Christmas tree and gold sleigh ornaments. They all enjoyed making them. Here's Aubrey's finished sleigh.

Then we made an animal collage.

We moved onto Visual Arts and did a Freeze dance. They loved it!

Then I taught them about color mixing. They were really into it. They thought that it was so cool that two colors mixed together could turn into another color. They would yell excitedly something like, "Mine turned purple!" I couldn't get a picture of this because #1 Brooke was making a huge mess with the paints & #2 It was a really hands on lesson.
Then we put on a play "The Three Little Pigs." This was also a hit. We had to do it 3 times because all but one wanted a turn at being the Big Bad Wolf. Aren't they so cute in their masks?

Here's Aubrey knocking on the door of the 3rd little pigs house.

Brooke wanted to wear the mask too - that is until I put it on her. Gotta love the paint all over her hands and shirt.
 Then it was snack time - Apples and Animal Crackers. And then time to go. It turned out to be a really fun preschool day!

Of course we didn't get to everything I prepared, so Aubrey did her drawing worksheet after the other kids had left.

Then she discovered that we had lots of left over clay. She spent the rest of the morning making ornaments. I believe we ended up with another 35 ornaments. Good thing Grandma wants some ornaments to decorate the tree at the cabin.

Brookie getting involved in the ornament making too!

I just love art and am so happy that my little girls are gaining a love for it too!

First thing the next morning the girls painted their ornaments.

 Brookie only lasted for a few ornaments and did a lot of painting on her hands and shirt as well. The little monkey!

Aubrey happily painted all of the rest. I even got her some chocolate milk (both the girls favorite snack) and she completely ignored it until she was done. I just love her long attention span!

It's so fun to make Christmas crafts!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like too much fun. I can't believe how big the girls are getting. I sure wish we could all hang out. Katie would love it.
