Friday, December 17, 2010

The Stage

Ever since Aubrey was 2 she has been acting out anything that has made an impression on her. It started with her 2 year old birthday party that she is still acting out very regularly.
This week it has been the stage. She loved dancing on the stage a couple of weeks ago and decided she needed to make her own concert hall and stage.

She has been setting up the little chairs in rows in Brooks room. My chair is the rocker in the back.

Then she puts down a blanket in the hall to be the stage.

We have had all sorts of performances on her stage - dance shows, singing, plays & movies to name a few. Brooke is a very willing participant in all of these concerts.

Oh what fun it is to be young and all that is desired can be created with whatever is on hand!

1 comment:

  1. When I was little our stage was the fireplace hearth;)
