Saturday, December 18, 2010

Story Time with Mrs. Clause

I found out that the mall was having a special story time with Mrs. Clause a week from Friday - so I had to take my girls! 

You see Brooke sitting there nicely - that only lasted a few minutes.

Then she had to wander.

Where'd my sister go?

When a few kids left, Aubrey made her way closer to Mrs. Clause.

Brooke found some puffy snow that she LOVED and Mommy thought it would be a good photo op.

Aubrey saw us taking pictures and wanted to join in too.

I only wish she would look at the camera!

My cute little elves!

Matchy Matchy Mrs. Claus's

Brooke was not thrilled to be deposited on her lap.

Santa showed up after story time - so we had to visit with him as well!

This time Brooke only cried for a second and then settled down.

We ended up playing in the indoor playground afterward and it was the perfect size for my girls. It was a really fun outing with my sweethearts.

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