Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

Last night we made our Gingerbread houses. It's one of my favorite holiday traditions. I've been making them since I was a little one. The girls were so excited and we had such a fun time.

Daddy and Brooke made one together. Brooke was a real good decorator.

 Look at those two hard at work.

And as you can see on Brooke's face, she did quite a bit of candy sampling as well!

Aubrey loved every single second of it, as I expected.

Aubrey and I made a house together.

After I built the house, my only job was to place the frosting where Aubrey wanted me to put it and grab the candy she wanted to decorate with. Aubrey did the rest. She had to put every single kind of candy that we had on the house.

Daddy and Brooke with their finished house.

Mommy and Aubrey with what I thought was our finished house.

As I was putting away the candy, Aubrey said, "Mommy I found a candy that we didn't put on my house." Well that just wouldn't do, she had to put some of the green candy on too! This time she insisted on doing the frosting herself and she did a great job at it too!

Mmmm frosting sure is yummy!

Two hours after we began, I had to insist that Aubrey was finished. Now that's a Gingerbread house! Complete with a yard full of snow! Aubrey must have known that was what our yard was going to look like when we woke up this morning!

What a darling little decorator!

I'm so glad that my girls had such a fun time. It makes all of the work of making them worth it!!