Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Visit from the Tanner's and more

Tammy and Don had a wedding to come down for this week and they brought along Mark so they could shop for his mission. It was a really nice visit. Aubrey was thrilled to have family come and stay at our house. She got Mark playing with her right away.

Brooke was shy Sunday morning, but then warmed right up. I am so happy to see Brooke playing with family!

Brooke and Tammy playing hair.

Snuggles with cousin Mark.

Aubrey making Mark's hair so beautiful!

Aubrey made the cutest Reindeer cupcake and headband at preschool last week. She was so proud of her cupcake.

She was so sweet to willingly share it with Brooke. Brooke only wanted the frosting though. So Aubrey was trying to break off parts with lots of frosting. The frosting got stuck on her finger and so while holding her finger up to Brooke she said, "All the frosting got stuck on my finger, so you can lick it off Brooke. Just don't bite my finger." It was too sweet!

Aubrey is so excited for Christmas. This morning the first words out of her mouth were, "Is it Christmas today?!" She's been helping wrap presents. After helping Daddy wrap my presents she came asking me for her scissors and some tape. Then she took the left over pieces of wrapping paper and started wrapping up her toys and giving them to all of us. What a little cuties pants! The other day I had wrapped up the girls presents while they were sleeping. I was taking them out to the tree when Aubrey woke up. I asked her if she was excited to open them up on Christmas? She replied, "Yes and I'm excited for Brookie to open up her presents too!" She really has such a sweet and kind heart.

She is getting to be such a good helper and cleaner. During quiet time the other day she cleaned up her whole room without me even asking her too. She does such a great job too. She puts everything where they are supposed to go and does it just like mommy! I LOVE it!

Brooke is really getting into dress up and make-up. This is her with every play necklace in the house on!

The other day I was on the phone with an important Primary call. I could see the girls playing happily by the side of my bed. I couldn't see what they were doing, but knew if I got too close to them, that would be the end of my phone conversation. When I hung up the phone I went over to see what they were doing. They had found a bag of packing peanuts and had dumped the whole thing out on the floor and were breaking them all into tiny little pieces. When Brooke saw me coming she looked up with a great big smile and said, "clean up". She sure knew how to help mommy not be so angry about the mess!

Brooke is all about colors these days. She loves to point out colors everywhere and name them. Purple is still her favorite but she also knows, pink, blue, red, green and white too. One morning she pointed out all of the colored checkers on the wall and told me what they were.

Brooke is playing so good lately. She puts baby to bed and takes baby on walks, she also plays house and farm. She is much less needy for my attention these days and it is so cute to watch her at play!

Yesterday after Aubrey said her bedtime prayer Brooke wanted to say hers too. This time she did not want me to help her. This is what she said, "He faer (Heavenly Father) bess ga ga (bless grandma) bess ga ga (bless grandpa) amen." It was so sweet. She and Aubrey were so proud of her for saying a prayer all by herself!

Some of Brooke's favorite saying of late are, "choc mil" (chocolate milk). She says this over and over all day long. If I open the pantry, she runs in and gets the Quik and takes it to the counter or to me. She's a persistent little monkey. She also says, "I hep" (I help) a lot. She wants to help mommy with everything these days. When she wants to do something all by herself she says, "I do" with emphasis on the "I". She also says, "scuse me" (excuse me) anytime somebody is in her way. It is so fun getting to talk with my little Brooke more and more each day! I can't believe how quickly she transformed from a baby into a toddler!

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