Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All Dressed Up

We've been playing lots of dress-up at our house lately.

G&G Buell gave Aubrey this cute fairy costume.

Along with all of the dressing up Aubrey has become a playwright and a director. She likes to get the whole family involved in her plays. And we have to be in costume - and yes there are costume changes involved. It's so cute to watch because Aubrey will set up the props and bring us all costumes, tell us our parts and then direct the whole play. (Of course the plays are very short) In one of her plays Aubrey was a princess, Brooke was a kitty, Mommy was a witch and Daddy was a Prince. Scene 1 - The princess was dancing happily. Her kitty crawled by and meowed. Enter the witch who came after the Princess & kitty. P & K ran and hid into a tunnel (that she made with blankets, books, ottoman & couch) as witch chased after them. The handsome Prince enters and saves them from the witch. 

That Aubrey is such a cute and funny little monkey!

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