Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Toys are so Much Fun . . .

. . . and not just for the kids. My girls have been so entertained lately it's been a nice break for mommy. Plus I love playing with my girls and their new toys too!

 Brooke figured out on her own that she could use a stool to get to the white board better. Whenever she climbs onto a stool she says, "I big".

She's also discovered that Aubrey's easel is fun to play in. She crawls inside and then says, "I hide".

We've had a lot of fun playing shopping lately.

Aubrey picked out this bank for Brooke because Brooke likes her Pooh bank. Anyway, Brooke asked for some money to put in it one morning. I found a few coins to put in it, but after she put them in she asked for more. Aubrey said, "I know, I'll get my bank and give her some of my money. I have lots of money and if I give some to Brookie then we'll both have lots of money." What a little sweetie pants.

Aubrey was having so much fun doing her Princess Barbie's hair that she had to take it in with her when she went potty.

These darling matching jammies G&G Buell gave them. They both love them because they have monkey's in tutu's all over them. And they say Dancing Queens. They also love their new story books.

And we can't forget Brookie's new best pal, Purple baby.

It's so cute when she's hugging her and says, "I love purple baby." Whenever she sees this baby or any of her others she'll wave and say, "Hi baby." Then she'll go up and touch their check softly and say, "baby cute." She's such a sweetheart!
So much fun is being had at the Buell home. Thanks family & Santa for all the great gifts!

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