Friday, January 7, 2011

Fun in the Snow

It was freezing and snowy here last week. The girls were dying to go out and play in the snow. So I bundled them all up and sent them out, while I watched warm and snug from the inside.

It's not easy making a snowball with big gloves on - but Aubrey finally did it.

And then what did she do with it? Threw it at her sister of course. Something I'm sure she saw on a show. Good thing she doesn't have very good aim!

Maybe if I had snow gear and boots (I have never owned a pair of boots) then I would enjoy the snow better. But, as of now, I'm still not a fan!

1 comment:

  1. Loved catching up on all your happenings. I love new toys too. Brooke is the cutest snow bunny ever. It looks like if you blew she would just fall over.
