Saturday, January 8, 2011

One last Christmas Present

My sis-in-law Katie had my name for Christmas. She is a hair stylist, so I asked for a hair cut.

I've been debating for months on what I want to do with my hair. I couldn't decide, so I figured the best thing to do would be to cut off however much I would need to be able to donate to Locks of Love. After all I have a ton of hair and those kids don't have any :(.

Even after the over 10 inches of pony tail cut off, there still a mound of hair on the floor after my haircut. So, we had to document it. Can you believe that pile of hair?

Katie did a fantastic job - I Love my new do!

Thanks Katie - you're awesome!


  1. I love it when I hear or read about someone who donates to Locks of Love. Your new style is darling, congratulations!

  2. Oh my. That is a lot of hair. I bet it feels so good. It sure looks cute.
