Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Eve

We decided to have a little New Years Eve party as a family. After having pizza for dinner, we played some games.

First we played a very scaled down version of charades. We each took turns thinking of a word and acting it out. It turned out really fun. Aubrey could have played all night.
Here is Aubrey acting out dancing.

 We had to help Brooke out with the words, but then she would act them out.

Here she is hiding.

Here she is being a kitty.
The funniest one was when Aubrey tried to be a picture. She tried to climb up the wall and hang on it like a picture frame. Funny kid.

Then after putting Brooke down for bed, we got out the board games.
We played almost all the kids games we had. Aubrey was pretty much the happiest kid in the world. I think she loved the special time with Mom and Dad.

 She looked so cute holding up her cards.

Playing her new game "Break the Ice." 

All of us with our Cooties.

After playing Chutes and Ladders it was just about 9:00 and time for our fake New Years. When I lived in California the ball in NY would drop at 9. I forgot that since we are in Utah, that doesn't happen until 10. Jeff cleverly found a video clip of last years ball dropping and we watched that instead and made lots of noise and hugs and kisses. Then Aubrey very reluctantly went to bed. It ended up being such a fun little party. Aubrey wanted to stay up late playing games for several nights after that. It's fun spending time with just our little family.

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