Monday, January 10, 2011

Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam

A week ago Sunday, Aubrey had her first week as a Sunbeam. She was excited about it the whole week before. Every morning she would ask me if it was Sunday so she could go to Primary. She's heard a lot about Primary since she was a little baby, and was so happy she could finally go to Primary with Mommy. We talked a lot Primary and about being reverent. She did such a good job. I was so glad that I was in there to see her sit so reverently and fold her arms the whole time. When she was supposed to do some actions with her arms during Singing Time she would try to do the actions while folding her arms - it was so funny to watch. I'm glad that Aubrey is in Primary - I've really enjoyed watching her the last couple of weeks.

During class time she told us that they talked about their Spirit. She said that they were supposed to draw a picture of their spirit. I thought her picture was so cute that I had to scan it.

Then for several days after she played Primary with her babies and animals.

This is after church her first Sunday in Primary. She sat up her babies in a row and was teaching them how to sing, "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam."

The next day she set up even more chairs and animals and even Brooke got involved. Before they began Aubrey explained to Brooke about how to be reverent in Primary.

Here is Aubrey leading the music in her Primary.

I'm sure glad that Aubrey loves Primary just as much as I do!

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