Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preschool - Letter Z

Last week was my turn for Preschool. We learned about the letter Z and had a Zoo themed day. I had the kids bring some animals from home and as they came in they added them to the zoo we made in the front room.
After learning about the sound that Z makes and all of the very few words that start with the Letter Z we played a zoo habitat game.

I had a box with a picture of water inside and one with a picture of land. The children took turns pulling an animal out of a bag and deciding if it should go in the water box, land box, or in the middle (for animals who spend time in both areas.)

Then we did some crafts. We made lion heads out of paper plates and used potato stamps to make penguins.

Then they packed up their snacks which included, bananas, carrots and nuts. All foods that zoo animals eat.

They loaded their snacks in their backpacks and we headed over to our stuffed animal zoo.

Then we had a little picnic at our zoo.

I really love our little preschool!

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