Monday, January 24, 2011

A Few Events

We had a short visit from a few Tanners a few weeks back. With them dropping and picking up kids from school and very shortly dropping off missionaries, we've been getting to see them more often. The girls love it when we have visitors. Stephanie was real sweet to play with them, and they loved it!

For Martin Luther King Day we decided to go to a local in door, glow in the dark, mini golf place. It looked really cool and the girls had fun. It was pretty packed so we just skipped around to whatever holes were open and let the girls have at it.

Aubrey had fun hitting the ball over and over again until she got it in the hole.

Brooke mainly liked putting her ball down on the little hole where you tee off and then picking it up and finding the big hole to put it in.

Then we headed off to McDonald's for lunch and play time in the play area. We rarely go out to eat, so it's always a real fun treat for the girls. We had a real enjoyable day together!

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