Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 I LOVE it when my girls will play happily together. They have been getting better and better at playing together. They both love drawing on the easel. I thought they looked so cute with one on each side drawing pictures.

 Aubrey would be so happy if she could turn Brooke into her very own real live Barbie doll. Most of the time Brooke doesn't want to be messed with. But, every once and awhile she'll let Aubrey do what she will with her. The other morning I caught them playing beauty shop. Brooke was willingly letting Aubrey brush and put clips all over her hair. It was really cute!

Aubrey's new thing is to dress up her dolls and animals with her clothes. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand it is really cute seeing her put all of her babies in clothes and taking care of them. On the other hand, it's hard to keep track of which clothes of Aubrey's are clean and which are dirty. Whenever I'm in doubt I always lean toward letting her be creative. So, Aubrey, you win, dress up your babies to your hearts content!

The other day the girls were drawing pictures and Aubrey said, "I want to draw a picture of the whole family at the cabin." She would draw a person and tell me who it was so I could label it. She even got in Santa and his bag - because it was Christmas time when we were at the cabin.

Aubrey has been working very hard at trying to pronounce the letter L. Up 'til now her l's would make the w or y sound - which I think is pretty cute. A few posts back I told the story of her correcting Brooke's pronunciation of balloon with her own incorrect pronunciation. She heard me telling daddy the story and was confused. I then helped her make the l sound and taught her the correct way of saying balloon. Since then she has been really working at it. When she says a word with L in it she will really accentuate the L as she says it, so she can say it correctly. It's really cute seeing her work so hard at it.
Her great big imagination continues to be a source of entertainment at our house. The other day we had lost the top to the chap stick the girls were putting on. We were looking for it everywhere but couldn't find it. Aubrey then said, "I know. Sometimes some little crickets come into my room and turn my light off. I think some crickets came into the house and took the top away from us." Who knows where she came up with that one! She also thinks that when it's dark there is a dragon on her ceiling. I tried to explain that it was a shadow that looked like a dragon, but she did not believe me!

We play the primary music in the car when we are driving around. Sometimes she sings along and other times I didn't even think she was listening, until lately. As songs have been starting to play she's been telling me what they are about. For instance, "Mommy this song is about Jesus dying and then coming back to life again." or "This song is about Joseph Smith." I love how interested she is in learning about the gospel and how much she takes in just by listening to music in the car.

Brooke has been loving building block towers lately. She can get quite a few blocks stacked up before they fall over.

On Friday we went to the library's used book sale. The girls LOVE LOVE LOVE getting new books and they were selling children's books for 50 cents. Brooke picked out this Hide and Seek Grover book. (It's similar to There's a monster at the end of this book.) Brooke absolutely LOVES the book. She has hardly put it down since we got it. She will even ask for it (She calls it Monster - probably because of the other monster book he is in) as soon as she wakes up in the morning or from naps. She really gets attached to things. 

Brooke is getting quite possessive of things lately. Her favorite word these days is, "mine." Even when things aren't hers, she tries to convince me that they are! She will even say, "My Mommy" when Aubrey is giving me a hug sometimes. Funny kid.

She always wants to do or have anything and everything that Aubrey has. If Aubrey says she wants something Brooke pipes in with, "I want _____ too!" She also has become quite the Aubrey copy cat. If Aubrey's does a little dance or movement Brooke copies. If Aubrey makes funny sounds Brooke copies her. So far Aubrey has liked when Brooke copies her. I am hoping Aubrey doesn't grow tired of it - But my guess is that she probably will. :(

The other day Brooke was looking for me in the house. When she finally found me, she fell into my lap and gave me a great big hug. She then stayed there for several minutes snuggling with me. I kept calling her my little cuddle bug. After a few minutes she got up and played for a bit - then she ran back into my arms and said, "I cuddle bug". She did this routine over and over again. It was really sweet.

1 comment:

  1. ya - i love the family picture. And I especially love how small she made me :) It's good for the self esteem
