Saturday, January 29, 2011

Making Necklaces

 Grandma Buell sent a little package that included necklaces for the girls to make. Aubrey was able to make hers entirely on her own.

Brooke had fun handing me the beads while telling me what color or object they were. She loves that she can participate in the big girl things that Aubrey is doing.

Here she is sporting her necklace with her makeup face and Minnie Mouse purse. I didn't think that I could have a girlier girl than Aubrey, but I think Brooke has surpassed her in girliness! Poor Jeff, there sure is a whole lot of girl happening at our house!

And here's Aubrey sporting her necklace and shades.

Thanks grandma for the package, the girls sure have fun with the little crafts you send them!

1 comment:

  1. So fun. My Kate loves to do necklaces as well. It's fun having girls.
