Friday, January 28, 2011


The girls are sooo happy when mommy gets out the paints. I found  some cute little ceramics for the girls to paint and got them out while I was making dinner a few days ago.

Brooke's attention span has really been increasing lately. She stayed at this task for quite a while.

Aubrey had a ball painting her castle.

It's so nice seeing them at play happily together.

I was just a few yards away in the kitchen while they were painting. My view is obstructed by the couch, but I can hear them. After a bit I went and peaked at them, and this is what had become of Brooke! Hurray for washable paint!

I Love my little cutie pies!

This week Aubrey showed her first interest in painting something how it is seen in actual nature. Usually she wants to mix colors and add as much paint as possible randomly to whatever object she is painting. She wanted to paint this little strawberry and told me, "Mom I only want red and green paint." This little strawberry is no bigger than a quarter. I was very impressed with her painting job on such a small little object.

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